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Can diet help slow cognitive decline after a stroke?

A stroke can be a life-changing event, affecting many aspects of health, including cognitive functions like memory, attention, and problem-solving. While medical treatments and rehabilitation...

Could eating more calories help people with Parkinson’s live longer?

Parkinson's disease is a condition that affects the brain and leads to shaking, stiffness, and difficulty with walking, balance, and coordination. It's a progressive disorder,...

Vitamin A: A shield against skin cancer?

Skin cancer is one of the most common types of cancer, affecting millions of people worldwide. There is a lot of interest in finding ways...

Cranberry juice could help prevent UTIs, shows study

Drinking cranberry juice can significantly reduce the risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs), according to a recent study led by researchers at Bond University. The...

The right diet for weight loss in type 2 diabetes

Managing type 2 diabetes involves making careful choices about food, especially when trying to lose weight. Losing weight can help control blood sugar levels, reduce...

What causes lactose intolerance?

Lactose intolerance is a common condition that affects many people worldwide. Simply put, it means that a person has trouble digesting lactose, a type...

Health benefits of mushrooms everyone needs to know

Mushrooms are a fascinating and versatile part of our diet, often found in salads, soups, and many other dishes. But did you know that mushrooms...

Vitamin C and E: Can they help fight lung cancer?

Lung cancer is a serious illness that affects many people worldwide. Researchers have been looking into various ways to prevent and treat this disease, and...

Why the stinky durian really is the ‘king of all fruits’

There's little else in the food world that brings about as much social turbulence as the durian. This so-called "king of all fruits" is considered...

Diet tips for fatty liver disease

Fatty liver disease, which means having too much fat in your liver, is a common health issue affecting many people worldwide. It can lead to...

Vitamin D and bowel cancer: Is there a link?

Bowel cancer, also known as colorectal cancer, is a serious condition affecting many people around the world. Recent research suggests that low levels of vitamin...

High-protein paleo diets: What risks you need to know

High-protein diets, often called "Paleolithic" or "paleo" diets, are popular for their ability to help with weight loss and manage diabetes. However, recent research from...

Scientists develop simpler diet to help IBS patients

Two studies from Michigan Medicine may offer hope to people with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) who struggle with the traditional low-FODMAP diet. The findings were...

Some say a shot of olive oil can prevent a hangover—here’s what the science...

The search for alcohol hangover cures is as old as alcohol itself. Many cures and remedies are sold, but scientific evidence for their effectiveness...

The benefits of magnesium in fighting dementia

Dementia is a condition that affects memory, thinking, and social abilities severely enough to interfere with daily life. Alzheimer's disease is the most common type...

Editors' Picks

This common plant nutrient could help reduce high blood pressure

Scientists from the Hospital of Southern Medical University found that quercetin, a plant pigment (flavonoid) that gives many fruit colors may help control high...

These antioxidants could help reduce the risk of dementia

Scientists from National Institute on Aging found that certain antioxidants in foods may also reduce the risk for Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias. Alzheimer's disease...

Natural blood pressure controllers: 12 foods that lower blood pressure

Hypertension, commonly known as high blood pressure, is a serious health issue that can lead to various complications if not controlled. The foods you eat...

Potatoes and high blood pressure: understanding the connection

Potatoes are a popular and versatile vegetable enjoyed by many people worldwide. However, there has been some discussion about the impact of potato intake on...

Scientists find best time to take vitamins during the day to prevent heart disease

Scientists from Harbin Medical University found the optimal time to take vitamin supplements during the day. Eating time is relevant for our health. For example,...

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